Question & Solution

৪র্থ সপ্তাহের ৮ম শ্রেণীর ইংরেজি এসাইনমেন্ট প্রশ্ন ও উত্তর- Question:- Suppose you visit a place last year. Describe that place answering the following sentences questions

Question:- Suppose you visit a place last year. Describe that place answering the following sentences questions:
1) Where did you visit?
Why did you go there?
How did you go there?
4) Who accompanied you?
5) Did you like the place? Why/Why not

Answer:- A place I visited 

On 15 January 2019 , I paid a visit to Sonargaon . I went there with some of my friends and two of my teachers . We know mere bookish knowledge is not sufficient for Travelling is a great media to enrich our knowledge . I helps us increse the storehouse of our Visitng a place is truly interesting and Visits to such places bear a great value too . it helps us remove the dullness of mind which curs from the monotonous classes . So we to pay a visit to Sonargaon is a famous place its historical mportance . 

It is now the district of Varayanganj , not far capital of Bangladesh Muslim rulers . So , i a glorious past with many relics of the then The certain relics and remmants are still worth seeing and enjoying . I like this place very much . the sights and scenary are very charmin the palace of the then emperor . There is a nuseum in Sonargaon . We also went to the museum an aw different things which were used by the Muslim ulers . They reminded us of the then rulers as well as upplemented our knowledge of its history . We all njoyed the sights and scenes . I will never forget this isit . It’s a wonderful experience that I have ever chieved . It was indeed , a rewarding visit . It is still crysta clear in my memory .

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