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প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০
প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০
প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০
I’m not able to solve all your problems. but I can promise you that you will never face your problems alone. Happy Promise Day Babe.
I will forever fulfill the promise I made with you today. I promise I never leave you alone. Happy প্রমিজ Day!
Love Is the pleasure Of Today. And its Promise for tomorrow, So so this message on promise day to my heart is full of love for you. And I promise it will stay the same always full of love. Happy Promise Day!
I want to Promise with you my love we stay and walk together till the life end. Happy promise day.
With all the beat of my heart, my love for you is increasing and after spending quality time with you it’s my promise I will love you till my last breath. After years of togetherness this, It’s my promise for you,
I speak with you Without Egos, love you Without Intentions, and care about you Without Expectations, and I Promise you
প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০

I have a good heart it’s true but I love and it’s true, and I only care about you and Now I have no, heart and you have two because I give my heart to you, Happy Promise Day!.”
If there is any time like a candle in the wind. Then I’ll Put My Hands around you so I can face the burn. And I can give you all the light it’s my promise.
I don’t want to promise about Moon Or The Stars.all I want to promise you that You’ll Stay mine forever.
If anytime you feel like crying, call me. I will turn your tears into a smile love you and its mine promise.
প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০
Promise day is just about announced your love or promise to stay Together. Normally people get busy in their busy corporate jobs or business and not able to give proper time to their girlfriend or wife.
In a situation like this Promise Day, 2020 is one of the best days to the commitment with your partner. That no matter what happens I will spend quality time with you or you. And also you can promise your love quitting some bad habit just like too much smoking or anything. Which is dangerous for your health if you are confused like other how to wish your love promise day we have to write down some coolest promise day quotes for girlfriend, boyfriend, husbands, and friends you can send them and celebrate happy promise day.

প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০
I want to be the whole thing that you dream of. Today I want to promise with you I will never let our path be divided!
Today I wan to promise to give you a life full of happiness and peace. I want to make you the happiest person in the world! Happy promise day!
We have a lot of dreams to complete together. I promise that I’ll do the best and to fulfill them and always love you.
Your smile melts my heart and every day I want to see you smiling. I’ll do everything to make sure your smile always stays on your face babe. Happy promise day!
I cannot be more grateful for what has given me. You are worthy of loved and it’s my promise I will do everything for your love. Wishing you a happy promise day!
You’re my reason for happiness. Thank God for sending you in my life. I promise to take care and love you as long as I’m alive!
প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০
The way love it the kind of love that makes a man like stay forever, no matter what happens.
There’s not anything in this world truer than that I love you so much. And when I hold your hands and promise with you that I never leave you, it’s a guarantee for the whole life!
There is no love story was ever and passionate and romantic. No promises were ever so successful. So we are going to make a history today I will make this promise and our love successful Happy promise day!
I’m so much fall in love with you so it becomes a habit now. Everything else is just a false impression and illusion now. Happy promise day!
Life never seems so valuable, not until you hold my hands. I promise you I will never leave you alone happy forever!
I’ll be devoted to you till my last breathing. My love is only for you and I want nothing in my life to expect you. Happy promise day!
প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০
You’re the type of husband that all women dream and want. I feel so lucky and blessed for having you as my husband and soul mate. Happy promise day!
Today I want to promise you that you are the best gift I have ever received from God in my life, I love you so much! Happy promise day!
There will be no value in my life if I haven’t met you. Today I want to promise with you as long as there’s a day after night!
You make me feel so special with your care and love. And I want to promise you I will give you the same always.
Even if I guarantee my whole world to you, it would be so small and nothing. You have given me too much love and care and it can never be repaid ever.
I’ll think I’m so lucky if I can provide you half of the happiness give to me. You’re the best husband. Happy promise day!
প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস |প্রমিজ ডে পিকচার | ভালবাসার প্রমিজ ডে এস এম এস ২০২০
My heart belongs to only you and doesn’t want anything except you. I love you, my wife. Happy promise day 2020.
Today I want to promise with you, my wife. I will never leave you alone for a moment. You’re the reason my life like heaven.
On promise day I want to tell you I will bring all the happiness you deserve. Happy promise day!
Home is incomplete without you my wife. And My life is also incomplete and meaningless without you. Happy promise day my love!
You bring a spark into my life every day. I promise will make you happy daily as long as I live. Happy promise day to you!
You’re the only reason why the whole thing seems alright even when nothing is correct. I love you I’m so lucky to have you as my wife. Happy promise day!