Degree And Honors Suggetion

Honours first Year English Reading Skills Suggetion 2019

honours first Year English Reading Skills Suggetion 2019   

#Suject_Code: 1152

#Part_A (Passages)
1. The history of Bangladesh….courted martyrdom.
2. Nationalism is one of the ……… other nations.
3. The world we live in is a……looking at life.
4. Aristotle, the Greek … museums.
5. Have you ever wonderful…..his time came.
6. The Ring at Casterbridge….thousand spectator’s.
7. A few years ago, while ……a nuisance! “
8. You Cannot Take a good book ….evermore.
9. Money Cannot buy happiness….us happiness.
10. Good manners form ….of the them.
** Most people have heard of Shakespeare….Court.
** It is possible to persuade ….of them

#Part_B (Passages)
1. Road rage is aggressive…..should be tuned on.
2. Change is life, change is progress….of the old.
3. Man has inborn curiosity…..respect of life.
4. Language is a way…establish their identity.
5. Autism is disorder of……lonely they feel.
6. Television was not available …
7. A newspaper is publication …..make money.
8. Cricket is, in sense, …..of the world.
9. Dreams have always ……mind.
10. It is important to study….right now.
** The greenhouse effect ….in danger.
** Cultural diversity is the … weaken.

#Part_C (Poem’s)
1. When you are Old
When you are old and grey and full of sleep …..
2. Season of mists add mellow fruitfulness, …..
3. Where the mind in without fear and the head is held high …..
4. When I consider how my light is spent, ….
5. How do I love there? Let me count the ways ….
6. Whose woods these are I think I know ……
7. Superstition is the fear……with superstitions.
8. Sweet and low, sweet and low, …..
9. BREATHES there the man with soul so dead….
10. Million! thou should be living at this hour :….
11. A sweet disorder in the dress ….
12. Behold her, single in the field, ….
** Blow, blow, thou winter wind, ….
** Shall I compare thee to a summers day? ….
[N.B It is Hard Subject, So hard Study। ]

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