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Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019   

★Network busy number busy No signal massage not sent…. That’s what we’ll see on 1st day of ‘’Eid’’ So “Happy Eid Day” before the rush start.

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★MY `︵`SWEET ♥♥♥︵ ““︵“(/“““““`”)`︵
“`(“/︵“““““︵”/) “`(“)●)►““`◄(●)/)
““ (~~~~)“““““““(~~~~)
“`/!!!!!! “““`EID“““`/!!!!!!

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★R U Waiting 4 My SMS? .-*-. Shoo Shweeeet…. Dont Worry . How can I Forget U? My Wish Eid Mubarak.

★____(`*•.¸ (`*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* ) _..::¨`•.¸* Eid Mubarak! *¸.•`¨::.. ______.(¸.•*(¸.•*´ `*•.¸)*•.¸).________ Never make a bit of gap between dear ones, bcoz
u will never bear d pain when d gap is filled by some1 else..

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★**ADVANCE** ||__||.*.*.*.*.* | APPY.*.*.*.* |__||__|.*.*.*.*.*.*. EID .*.*. .*.*.MUBARAK.*.*. .*.*.===. *.=

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019     

★Look Outside Its so pleasant! Sun Smiling For you Trees Dancing for you Birds singing for you Because I requested them All to wish You **..*EID MUBARAK*..**

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★WISH U A HAPPY EID MUBARAK MY SWEEET •*¨`*• (¯`’•.╔╗╔╗╔╗╔═╦.•’´¯) (¯`’•.╠╣║║║╦╠═║.•’´¯) (¯`’•╝╚╩║╚╝╚═╚╝•´¯)

★Hope Love and Laugher, warmth, wishes, joy and a bouquet of Eid wishes, jubilations, become a part of your Eid and Your Life. Have a Happy Eid Mubarak.

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★____(`*•.¸ (`*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* ) _..::¨`•.¸* Eid Mubarak! *¸.•`¨::.. ______.(¸.•*(¸.•*´ `*•.¸)*•.¸).________ Never make a bit of gap between d dear ones,
        bcoz  u will never bear d pain when  gap is filled by some1 else..

★May the day delight and the moments measure all the special joys for all of you to treasure. May the year ahead be fruitful too, for your home and family and especially for you. EID MUBARAK

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★‎…………¤ º° ¤`•.¸.•´ ¤ º° ¤ …………. ╔══════════════════════╗ ┊┊┊★★.. Eid Mubaruk .. ★★ ┊┊┊ ╚══════════════════════╝

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019 
Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★A Little Act Of, ***Kindness*** Can Fill A Heart with ****Joy**** ***Eid Mubarak***

★((__)) “.=”””””)? ‘ y””+”y’ After few days EID UL ADHA (Fitr) will come, I m the 1st 1 to wish you EID Mubarakand Also sending a cow as your EID Gift.

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

!! _.^._ _.-^-._ !! (  _ _  ) ( ____ )
[] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

★Eid k Debit Credit, Bakra Debit, Cash Credit, Qurbani Debit, Gosht Credit, Qasai Debit, Khaal Credit, Aap Debit, Hum Credit, Eid Bakri Mubarik… Hamara Eid Massege Debit Apka Eid Text Reply Credit [[ Eid Ul Fitr Mubarik ]]

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★May the noor of this EID illuminate your heart, mind, soul and may all your prays be answered. Remember me in your prayers. EID MUBARAK

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019   

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★With petals of roses, Palm full of holy water, Light of sunshine, Fragrance of Flowers and Grass with the dew I wish a very HAPPY EID 2 YOU

★Can I Stay Here In Ur InbOx and Wait Till The End Of Ramadan So That Can B The 1st Who Wish You **** A**** *** VErY SwEeT*** ***HaPpY EiD MuBaRaK***

★Earth can forget rotating, Bird can forget flying, Candle can forget melting, Heart can forget beatingbut I’ll never forget to wish You “Happy Eid”

★Its more than just an Eid wish, more than a message too. For it comes with warm and loving thoughts because it’s meant for you.

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★When the sun has set, and day is done- I”ll break this chain, but only one. By the end of Ramadan, this whole chain will be all gone! It”s time for Eid and lots of fun!!!

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019   

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★“Eid-ul-Adha Mubarak”, May Allah shower countless blessing upon You and Your Family. Keep me in your prayers.

★May Allah send his Love like Sunshine in his warm and gentle ways to fill every corner of your Heart and filled your Life with a lot of Happiness like this EID DAY. Wishing you EID MUBARAK.

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★Eid ul adha is eid of sacrifice, and commitment to Allahs orders, May Allah bless us with the same in all circles of life, and help all amongst us, who are helpless,worried, and waiting for his rehmat, Ameen.Eid Mubarak.

★The moon has been sighted The samoosas are ready Here comes EID so just go steady Lots of dua’s is all i request and just wanted to wish you all the BEST!!! “Eid Mubarak”

★Like the colour of silver, in the night sky, the new moon rises, the holy month has past, the fasting is over, tomorrow is the great feast of Eid-ul-Fitr. EID MUBARAK

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019   

★Eid Is Dedication Eid Is Love…. Eid Is Beauty.. Eid Is Dedication.. Eid Is Happiness… My Advance Wishes To U and Ur Family. “EID MUBARAK

★With petals of roses, Palm full of holy water, Light of sunshine, Fragrance of Flowers and Grass with the dew I wish a very HAPPY EID 2 YOU

★We will eat spicy chicken, and mouthwatering pakoras, I’ll call my neighbours, and friends on the street, may the peace of Allah, and joy of Eid, be with everyone. Eid Mumarak

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★You are awarded a bouqet of good deeds, a vase of blessing, a parachut of glad itdings 4 completing da holy ramadan. EID MUBARAK

★SendinG U WarM WisheS SendinG U WarM WisheS ON “EID-UL-ZUHA AnD WishinG THAT, IT BringS Your WeY EveR JOYS AND Happiness . Remember me in ur prayers.

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019   

★^ ^, (’, ‘) ’_’_’_’)~ | | | | Take this Bakri Feed this upto Eid Everyday give it a walk with you But back me on the day of EID Because I have to Do Qurbani too.

★Of all the days to celebrate this out shines the rest, Here is hoping that this EID is happiest and best

★Eid is the combination of 3 meaningful words: E: Embrace with open heart I: Inspire with impressive attitude, D: Distribute pleasure to all. AT-M Ad “*EID MUBARAK*”

★Its more than just an Eid wish, more than a message too. For it comes with warm and loving thouts because it’s meant for you.

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★Together with friends…. Full of warmth and fun…. Here’s wishing your Eid celebration Is truly a special one! Eid Mubarak !

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019 
★Lonesome Without U, Each N Every Moments. When I Am Alone I Close My Eyes N Think Of U N Thoughts Of Ur Love Warms Me Inside N Makes Me Smile.Miss U A Lot.Eid Mubarak.

★May the magic of dis EID bring lots of happiness in ur life and may u celebrate it wid all ur close friendzzzzzz and may it fill ur HEART wid love

★May the magic of dis EID bring lots of happiness in ur life and may u celebrate it wid all ur close friendzzzzzz and may it fill ur HEART wid love

★No shadows to depress u, Only joys to surround u, Allah himself to bless u, These r my wishes for u, Today, tomorrow, and every day….

★Today i pray that:- Happiness be at ur door May it knock early Stay late and leave the gift of Allah’s Peace,love,joy and good health behind eid ul Fitr mubarak,

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019   

★With all the love an sms can hold, and happy wishes too.. This comes to say! May this Eid day be wonderful for you

Eid mubarak sms | Eid mubarak images |Eid sms 2019

★Hope Love and Laughter, warmth and wishes joy and a Bouquet of Eid Wishes, Especially for you!!! Happy Eid Mubarak

★On the holy occasion OF EID Here is wishing that May the blessing of Allah Light up your way And lead u to eternal Happiness, Success and Peace. Wish you a very happy Eid..

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Tag:-Eid Mubarak 2019 Eid Mubarak sms,eid wishes sms,Eid sms,eid sms 2019,Eid Mubarak 2019,Eid Mubarak sms,eid card sms,eid mubarak gif,eid mubarak images,Eid Mubarak picture,mubarak slogan,happy Eid Mubarak

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